The Case for a Vegan World


  • Vegetarians have lower BMI than non-vegetarians and less chance of developing obesity (and out of range BMI is associated with a range of illnesses)
    1. Bill Clinton, after turning vegan, lost a lot of weight
  • Vegetarians Live Longer
  • Vegetarians have a better quality of life?



References for the Arguments[]

References for the Objections[]

Examples and Anecdotes[]

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Ref One. Robert J. Kuczmarski et al., "Increasing Prevalence of Overweight Among U.S. Adults," Journal of the American Medical Association 272, no. 3 (July 20, 1994): 205-211.

Ref Two. A. White et al., Health Survey for England 1991 (London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1993).

Ref Three. Kuczmarski et al., "Increasing Prevalence of Overweight."

Ref Four. F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, "Health Implications of Obesity," American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 53, no. 6(June 1991)p.1595S-1603S; F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, "Medical Hazards of Obesity," Annals of Internal Medicine 119, no. 7, part 2(Oct. 1993): 655-660.

Ref Five. Pi-Sunyer, "Health Implications of Obesity;" Pi-Sunyer, "Medical Hazards of Obesity."

Ref Six. L. Garfinkel, "Overweight and Cancer," Annals of Intenal Medicine 103: 1034-6

Ref Seven. T. Van Itallie, "health Implications of Overweight and Obesity in the United States," Annals of Internal Medicine 103; 983-988

Ref Eight. Martha M. Werler, Carol Louik, and Allen A. Mitchell, "Prepregnant Weitht in Relation to Risk of Neural Tube Defects," Journal of the American Medical Association 275, no. 14(April 10, 1996): 1089-1092.

Ref Nine. Dean Ornish, Eat More, Weigh Less (New York: HarperCollins, 1993), 4.

Ref Ten. Alan S. Levy and Alan W. Heaton, "Weight Control Practices of U.S. Adults Trying to Lose Weight," Annals of Internal Medicine 119, no. 7, part 2 (Oct. 1993): 661-666.


Ref Eleven. Ibid.

Ref Twelve. Ibid.

Ref Thirteen. NIH Technology Assessment Conference Panel, "Methods for Voluntary Weight Loss and Control," Annals of Internal Medicine 119 (1993): 764-770; F. M. Kramer et al., "Long-Term Follow-Up of Behavioural Treatment for Obesity: Patterns of Weight Regain Among Men and Women," International Journal of Obesity 13 (1989): 123-136.

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